Correlations of longevity evaluation with type traits in Walloon Region.

peer reviewed ; Approximated genetic correlations between direct longevity and type traits were computed for a sire Holstein population. Data were based on results for type traits (77,965 records) and for direct longevity (74,289 records) from the INTERBULL routine run of November 2005. Most of type traits presented a high relationship with direct longevity (from 0.06 up to 0.29). The strongest positive correlation with longevity was for udder depth (0.29) and the strongest negative correlation was for chest depth (-0.21). According the different results, an animal with a good direct longevity... Mehr ...

Verfasser: Vanderick, Sylvie
Croquet, Coraline
Mayeres, Patrick
Soyeurt, Hélène
Gengler, Nicolas
Dokumenttyp: conference paper
Erscheinungsdatum: 2006
Schlagwörter: longevity / correlation / conformation traits / Life sciences / Genetics & genetic processes / Animal production & animal husbandry / Sciences du vivant / Génétique & processus génétiques / Productions animales & zootechnie
Sprache: Englisch
Datenquelle: BASE; Originalkatalog
Powered By: BASE
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peer reviewed ; Approximated genetic correlations between direct longevity and type traits were computed for a sire Holstein population. Data were based on results for type traits (77,965 records) and for direct longevity (74,289 records) from the INTERBULL routine run of November 2005. Most of type traits presented a high relationship with direct longevity (from 0.06 up to 0.29). The strongest positive correlation with longevity was for udder depth (0.29) and the strongest negative correlation was for chest depth (-0.21). According the different results, an animal with a good direct longevity seemed to be smaller and less heavy than an animal with a shorter longevity.