Hydrogeologic setting and the potentiometric surfaces of regional aquifers in the Hollandale embayment, southeastern Minnesota, 1970-80 /

Includes bibliographical references (p. 54-55). ; Mode of access: Internet.

Verfasser: Delin, G. N.
Woodward, D. G.
Dokumenttyp: Text
Erscheinungsdatum: 1984
Verlag/Hrsg.: Washington : U.S. G.P.O.
Schlagwörter: Groundwater flow / Aquifers
Sprache: Englisch
Permalink: https://search.fid-benelux.de/Record/base-27498990
Datenquelle: BASE; Originalkatalog
Powered By: BASE
Link(s) : http://hdl.handle.net/2027/uiug.30112113045493