Landscape architecture at Wageningen (Netherlands)

In this article, I will give a brief overview of the development of teaching and research in landscape architecture in Wageningen by studying the relationships between practice, education and research over the past 50 years. The purpose of this article is to provide a first explorative overview. So far, few – if any – publications exist on this issue in an international context. The research method is based on the principles of case study research, logical argumentation and comparative analysis. The research material is largely Dutch; publications, projects. The outline is made up of three mai... Mehr ...

Verfasser: Toorn, Martin van den
Dokumenttyp: Artikel
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022
Verlag/Hrsg.: École nationale supérieure du paysage de Versailles-Marseille
Schlagwörter: epistemology / design knowledge / design as research / practice / climate change / épistémologie / connaissances en conception / la conception comme recherche / la pratique / le changement climatique
Sprache: Englisch
Datenquelle: BASE; Originalkatalog
Powered By: BASE
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In this article, I will give a brief overview of the development of teaching and research in landscape architecture in Wageningen by studying the relationships between practice, education and research over the past 50 years. The purpose of this article is to provide a first explorative overview. So far, few – if any – publications exist on this issue in an international context. The research method is based on the principles of case study research, logical argumentation and comparative analysis. The research material is largely Dutch; publications, projects. The outline is made up of three main sections, based on development over the last 50 years of landscape architecture education in Wageningen. New design knowledge and work domains for a growing number of landscape architects have emerged over the last 50 years. The academic environment of Wageningen University has strengthened the position of landscape architecture in meeting the new challenges of climate change; the combination of knowledge of the landscape as a natural system and conceptual ways of thinking seems to be a unique and solid basis for the future. ; L’article dresse une synthèse du développement de l’enseignement et de la recherche en architecture de paysage à Wageningue, au prisme des relations entre pratique, éducation et recherche au cours des 50 dernières années. L’objectif de cet article est de donner un premier aperçu exploratoire. La méthodologie est basée sur les principes de la recherche par étude de cas, de l’argumentation logique et de l’analyse comparative. Le corpus de recherche est en grande partie néerlandais et comprend des publications et des projets. Le plan s’articule en trois sections principales, basées sur l’évolution chronologique des grandes étapes de l’enseignement à Wageningue. De nouvelles connaissances en conception et de nouveaux domaines de travail pour un nombre croissant d’architectes-paysagistes ont émergé au cours du temps. L’environnement académique de l’université de Wageningue a renforcé la position de ...