soilmap_simple: a simplified and standardized derivative of the digital soil map of the Flemish Region

The data source soilmap_simple is a simplified and standardized derived form of the 'digital soil map of the Flemish Region' (the shapefile of which we named soilmap, for analytical workflows in R) published by 'Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen’ (DOV). It is a GeoPackage that contains a single spatial polygon layer ‘soilmap_simple’ in the Belgian Lambert 72 coordinate reference system (EPSG-code 31370). Further documentation about the digital soil map of the Flemish Region is available in Van Ranst & Sys (2000) and Dudal et al. (2005). This version of soilmap_simple was derived from version... Mehr ...

Verfasser: Vanderhaeghe, Floris
De Vos, Bruno
Cools, Nathalie
Dokumenttyp: other
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020
Schlagwörter: soil classification / soil mapping / Flanders / Belgium
Sprache: unknown
Datenquelle: BASE; Originalkatalog
Powered By: BASE
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