Long-Term Malaria Chemoprophylaxis with Meftoquine in Dutch Marines in Cambodia

Three Dutch marine battalions ( n = 2289) serving in Western Cambodia during 1992–1993 used mefloquine as weekly malaria chemoprophylaxis. One battalion started with a loading dose. Full compliance with prophylaxis was reported by 86.3%, and possible mefloquine-related adverse events were reported by 30.2%. Sixty-four periods of malaria were diagnosed in 59 marines. During deployment, 31 Plasmodium jalciparum and no Plasmodium vivax infections occurred. After return, there were 11 cases of falciparum malaria and 22 of vivax malaria, 16–72 days and 30–540 days, respectively, after stopping prop... Mehr ...

Verfasser: Hopperus Burna, Adriaan P. C. C.
van Thiel, Pieter P. A. M.
Lobel, Hans O.
Ohrt, Colin
van Ameijden, Eric J. C.
Veltink, Ron L.
Tendeloo, Dick C. H.
van Gool, Tom
Green, Mark D.
Todd, Glenn D.
Kyle, Dennis E.
Kager, Piet A.
Dokumenttyp: TEXT
Erscheinungsdatum: 1996
Verlag/Hrsg.: Oxford University Press
Schlagwörter: Concise Communications
Sprache: Englisch
Permalink: https://search.fid-benelux.de/Record/base-27024214
Datenquelle: BASE; Originalkatalog
Powered By: BASE
Link(s) : http://jid.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/short/173/6/1506

Three Dutch marine battalions ( n = 2289) serving in Western Cambodia during 1992–1993 used mefloquine as weekly malaria chemoprophylaxis. One battalion started with a loading dose. Full compliance with prophylaxis was reported by 86.3%, and possible mefloquine-related adverse events were reported by 30.2%. Sixty-four periods of malaria were diagnosed in 59 marines. During deployment, 31 Plasmodium jalciparum and no Plasmodium vivax infections occurred. After return, there were 11 cases of falciparum malaria and 22 of vivax malaria, 16–72 days and 30–540 days, respectively, after stopping prophylaxis. Mefloquine-resistant parasites were isolated from 4 Dutch and 4 Khmer patients. Long-term mefloquine prophylaxis was well tolerated but not totally effective.