Administração local e comunicação política nas Minas setecentistas: a câmara da Vila do Sabará (1711 – 1760)

The present research aims to analyze the overseas councils as institutions that contributed to the Portuguese Empire maintenance by negotiation mechanisms with the central power. Focusing on Vila Real do Sabará Council, head of the Rio das Velhas District, between 17111760, a study was conducted to analyze its relationship with the Overseas Council and which means were used for the maintenance of its administrative apparatus and locality development. In this sense, a reflection was required on the institutionalization and bureaucratization process in mines power by the idea that it was part of... Mehr ...

Verfasser: Oliveira, Mariana de
Dokumenttyp: Dissertação
Erscheinungsdatum: 2016
Verlag/Hrsg.: Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF)
Schlagwörter: Câmaras / Comunicação política / Administração pública / Council / Political communication / Public administration / CNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIA
Sprache: Portuguese
Datenquelle: BASE; Originalkatalog
Powered By: BASE
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The present research aims to analyze the overseas councils as institutions that contributed to the Portuguese Empire maintenance by negotiation mechanisms with the central power. Focusing on Vila Real do Sabará Council, head of the Rio das Velhas District, between 17111760, a study was conducted to analyze its relationship with the Overseas Council and which means were used for the maintenance of its administrative apparatus and locality development. In this sense, a reflection was required on the institutionalization and bureaucratization process in mines power by the idea that it was part of a Pluricontinetal Monarchy. ; A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo principal pensar as câmaras ultramarinas como instituições que contribuíram para a manutenção do Império Português a partir de mecanismos de negociação com o poder central. Com foco na câmara de Vila Real do Sabará, cabeça da Comarca do Rio das Velhas, entre 1711 a 1760, buscamos analisar a relação desta com o Conselho Ultramarino e quais as formas utilizadas para a manutenção do seu aparato administrativo e desenvolvimento da localidade. Nesse sentido, também nos foi preciso refletir sobre o processo de institucionalização e burocratização do poder nas minas a partir da ideia que de era parte de uma Monarquia Pluricontinental.