Changes in the defense policy of selected European Union countries in 2014–2017 ; Zmiany w polityce obronnej wybranych państw Unii Europejskiej w latach 2014–2017

The aim of the article is to identify and analyse the relationship between events in Ukraine in 2014 and changes in defense policies of selected European Union countries. The author assumes that at least some of the countries belonging to the European Union have changed their defense policy. They limited the reduction of defense expenditures and even started to increase them. Especially countries bordering on the Russian Federation. Verification of this hypothesis can be carried out on the basis of defense white papers published in 2014–2017 or similar documents. Moreover, by analyse of the ac... Mehr ...

Verfasser: Lasoń, Marcin
Dokumenttyp: Artikel
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019
Verlag/Hrsg.: Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan
Schlagwörter: Unia Europejska / polityka obronna / siły zbrojne / Finlandia / Polska / Holandia / Włochy / European Union / defense policy / armed forces / Finland / Poland / Netherlands / Italy
Sprache: Polish
Datenquelle: BASE; Originalkatalog
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