Some new evidence on the determinants of large- and small-firm innovation

Empirical analyses presented by Acs and Audretsch suggest differences in the market structure determinants of innovation between large and small firms in U.S. manufacturing. The evidence they offer is ambiguous. By using data for a different country (The Netherlands), a different measure of innovation and a different aggregation level, we offer new evidence, allowing a revaluation of the findings for the U.S. material. Moreover, the influence of the market structure determinants does not appear to differ between a period of sluggish growth (1983) and one of relatively high growth (1989).

Verfasser: Dijk, B. (Bob) van
Hertog, R. den
Thurik, A.R. (Roy)
Menkveld, A.J. (Bert)
Dokumenttyp: Artikel
Erscheinungsdatum: 1997
Schlagwörter: Netherlands / USA / firm size / innovation / panel data
Sprache: Englisch
Datenquelle: BASE; Originalkatalog
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