Glycopeptide-Resistant Enterococci in The Netherlands: Surveillance and Genome Analysis

In 1899, Thiercelin described gram-positive coccoid bacteria isolated from the human intestine and introduced the name "enterocoque" [1]. However, in the beginning of the twentieth century the term Streptococcus was more commonly used. In 1937, Sherman developed a new scheme and classified the genus Streptococcus into four main groups: pyogenic, viridans and lactic streptococci and enterococci. Enterococci were separated from other Streptococcus species as they grow between 10°C and 45°C, in 6.5% NaCI, and at pH 9.6. Moreover, they are able to survive for 30 min. at 60°C and hydrolyze esculine... Mehr ...

Verfasser: Braak, N.P.W.C.J. (Nicole) van den
Dokumenttyp: doctoralThesis
Erscheinungsdatum: 2001
Schlagwörter: bacteriology / glycopeptides / infectious diseases / resistance in enterococci / streptococcus
Sprache: Englisch
Datenquelle: BASE; Originalkatalog
Powered By: BASE
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