Grow fast, die young? The causes and consequences of adult height and prolonged growth in nineteenth century Maastricht

Background: Both adult body height and the developmental growth trajectory have been found to be important predictors of later-life mortality. However, evidence for these relationships largely comes from contemporary populations, where most people live until old-age. It is an open question how height and growth impact later-life mortality in a population where death before old-age is more common. We therefore study the causes and mortality consequences of height and growth in a high-mortality, nineteenth-century Dutch population. Methods: We exploit a unique dataset from three sources: conscri... Mehr ...

Verfasser: Thompson, K.
Quanjer, B.
Murkens, M.
Dokumenttyp: Artikel
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020
Reihe/Periodikum: Thompson , K , Quanjer , B & Murkens , M 2020 , ' Grow fast, die young? The causes and consequences of adult height and prolonged growth in nineteenth century Maastricht ' , Social Science & Medicine , vol. 266 , 113430 .
Schlagwörter: anthropometry / epidemiological transition / growth / height / historical demography / impact / mortality / netherlands / nineteenth century
Sprache: Englisch
Datenquelle: BASE; Originalkatalog
Powered By: BASE
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