How Do Countries' Health Information Systems Perform in Assessing Asylum Seekers' Health Situation? Developing a Health Information Assessment Tool on Asylum Seekers (HIATUS) and Piloting It in Two European Countries

Bozorgmehr K, Goosen S, Mohsenpour A, Kuehne A, Razum O, Kunst AE. How Do Countries' Health Information Systems Perform in Assessing Asylum Seekers' Health Situation? Developing a Health Information Assessment Tool on Asylum Seekers (HIATUS) and Piloting It in Two European Countries. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH . 2017;14(8): 894. ; Background: Accurate data on the health status, health behaviour and access to health care of asylum seekers is essential, but such data is lacking in many European countries. We hence aimed to: (a) develop and pilot-test an ins... Mehr ...

Verfasser: Bozorgmehr, Kayvan
Goosen, Simone
Mohsenpour, Amir
Kuehne, Anna
Razum, Oliver
Kunst, Anton E.
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017
Verlag/Hrsg.: MDPI
Schlagwörter: health information system / health systems research / health systems / strengthening / asylum seeker / refugee / health inequality / performance / Germany / The Netherlands
Sprache: Englisch
Datenquelle: BASE; Originalkatalog
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