The Three-Step Test-Interview (TSTI): an observation-based method for pretesting self-completion questionnaires

"Three-Step Test-Interview (TSTI) is a method for pretesting a self-completion questionnaire by first observing actual instances of interaction between the instrument and respondents (the response process) before exploring the reasons for this behavior. The TSTI consists of the following three steps: 1. (Respondent-driven) observation of response behavior. 2. (Interviewer-driven) follow-up probing aimed at remedying gaps in observational data. 3. (Interviewer-driven) debriefing aimed at eliciting experiences and opinions. The authors describe the aims and the techniques of these three steps, a... Mehr ...

Verfasser: Hak, Tony
Veer, Kees van der
Jansen, Harrie
Dokumenttyp: journal article
Erscheinungsdatum: 2015
Verlag/Hrsg.: DEU
Schlagwörter: Sozialwissenschaften / Soziologie / Social sciences / sociology / anthropology / Forschungsarten der Sozialforschung / Erhebungstechniken und Analysetechniken der Sozialwissenschaften / Methods and Techniques of Data Collection and Data Analysis / Statistical Methods / Computer Methods / Research Design / Theorie / Forschungsprozess / Forschungspraxis / Forschungsergebnis / Forschungsumsetzung / Datenqualität / Methode / Norwegen / Anwendung / Datenerfassung / Messung / Skalenkonstruktion / Fragebogen / Verhalten / Experiment / Forschungsgegenstand / Interview / Test / Forschungsansatz / Forschungsschwerpunkt / Niederlande / Netherlands / measurement / questionnaire / Norway / data quality / research focus / behavior / data acquisition / scale construction / research topic / research practice / method / research approach / theory / research implementation
Sprache: unknown
Datenquelle: BASE; Originalkatalog
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