Michael W. Cole and Rebecca Zorach (eds), The Idol in the Age of Art — Objects, Devotions and the Early Modern World

This dense work, which collects essays from scholars in widely ranging fields, oversteps conventional boundaries, extending past the 16th century and reaching out further than Europe—to which art history is sometimes confined—, opening onto issues of cross-cultural encounters and conflict. In the wake of the path-breaking work of the Reformation historian Michael Camille, The Gothic Idol, the book deals with a broad spectrum of objects and texts that document attitudes toward the idol mainly .

Verfasser: Adrien, Muriel
Dokumenttyp: review
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013
Verlag/Hrsg.: Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès
Schlagwörter: iconoclasme / art africain / réforme / Pays-Bas / perspective / idole / Amérique du Sud / Codex Veytia / manuscrits mexicains / chapelle Strozzi / Santa Maria Novella / Florence / iconoclasme par inondation / Dieu Mars / images acheiropoïètes / Trinité / luthériens / Japon / École Niccolo / Ex-voto / paravents cartographiques / idéogrammes chinois / Notre-Dame de Paris / Lourdes / Fatima / Guadalupe / Regensburg / Mariazell / diagrammes mathématiques / iconoclasm / African art / Netherlands / Reformation / Early Modern Era / Idol / South America / Mexican manuscripts / Strozzi chapel / iconoclasm by water / God Mars / acheiropoeiton images / Trinity / Lutherans / Japan / Niccolo school
Sprache: Englisch
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