Life Magazine: Speaking of Pictures. Photographer Catches Spirit of Modern Artists

Speaking of Pictures. Photographer Catches Spirit of Modern Artists ; Clockwise from left: David Burliuk, twists a frame out of accepted pattern. Piet Mondrian, who died in 1944, was posed as another straight line in the rectilinear curveless designs he did (LIFE, July 2). Mondrian never used curves in his abstract paintings. Chaim Gross, Austrian-born sculptor, poses dreamily over his creamy statue called "Mother and Child." Gross tries to ally his subject with grain of wood he uses.

Verfasser: Arnold Newman
Dokumenttyp: Image
Schlagwörter: Publication / Photograph / 20th century / American / Ukrainian / painter / painting / Dutch / sculptor / sculpture
Sprache: unknown
Datenquelle: BASE; Originalkatalog
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