O processo de (des)radicalização na Europa ; a resposta da França, Alemanha e Bélgica após os ataques de 2015

In January 2015 France awoke to a year full of violence, leading to a sense of latent threat and whose consequences spread across all Europe and can still be felt. Stage of attacks and persecutions, the events in 2015 and 2016 in which Europe was the target, came to reinforce the need to combat the terrorist threat. Alongside France, Germany and Belgium were the most affected Member-States during these two years, proving the fallibility of the measures to combat terrorism. The violence that Europe has been suffering show us that the existing policies have not produced the desired results. The... Mehr ...

Verfasser: Barbosa, Maria Luís
Dokumenttyp: masterThesis
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018
Schlagwörter: Radicalização / França / Desradicalização / Contra Radicalização / Jihadismo / Alemanha / Bélgica / Radicalization / Deradicalization / Counter Radicalization / Jihadism / France / Belgium / Germany / Direito
Sprache: Portuguese
Permalink: https://search.fid-benelux.de/Record/base-26583548
Datenquelle: BASE; Originalkatalog
Powered By: BASE
Link(s) : http://hdl.handle.net/10362/42979

In January 2015 France awoke to a year full of violence, leading to a sense of latent threat and whose consequences spread across all Europe and can still be felt. Stage of attacks and persecutions, the events in 2015 and 2016 in which Europe was the target, came to reinforce the need to combat the terrorist threat. Alongside France, Germany and Belgium were the most affected Member-States during these two years, proving the fallibility of the measures to combat terrorism. The violence that Europe has been suffering show us that the existing policies have not produced the desired results. The approaches adopted by these States proved insufficient in the face of the complexity of the threat, forcing them to revise their actions. Understanding the operative paradigm of these States is the goal of this dissertation, which throughout its pages will seek to present the reasons that lead individuals to commit these acts and the processes that make them move away from violence. Aiming this thesis to contribute to a better understanding and help fighting violent radicalization in Europe, it is expected that in the end we would be able to identify the problems underlying this process and the best way of reacting to those who justify their performance and legitimize the use of violence based on an ideology of religious inspiration and extremist rhetoric. ; Em janeiro de 2015 a França acordou para um ano repleto de violência, estendendo-se a toda a Europa uma sensação de ameaça latente e cujas consequências ainda se sentem. Palco de ataques e perseguições, os acontecimentos em 2015 e 2016 de que a Europa foi alvo vieram reforçar a necessidade de combater a ameaça terrorista. A par da França, a Alemanha e a Bélgica foram dos EM mais afetados durante estes dois anos, provando a falibilidade das medidas de combate ao terrorismo. A violência de que a Europa foi alvo, veio mostrar que as políticas existentes não produziram os resultados desejados. As abordagens adotadas por estes Estados revelaram-se insuficientes perante a ...