Les religions abrahamites dans le discours du Front National dans le contexte d'extrêmes droites populistes européennes

This article analyses the image of the three abrahamic religions in the recent political programs of the French Front National (2012 and 2017) in a comparative perspective with other successful populist radical right-wing parties in EU-Countries of continental Western and Northern Europe. It will be shown that even if there is a common tendency of representing Islam negatively and avoiding overt antisemitism, there are differences with regard to Judaism and/or Israel as well as to the weight of Christianity for the national and/or European culture, which have interesting parallels with the nat... Mehr ...

Verfasser: Johnen, Thomas
Dokumenttyp: Sammelwerksbeitrag
Erscheinungsdatum: 2021
Verlag/Hrsg.: Stockholm University Press
Schlagwörter: Sociology & anthropology / Political science / Politikwissenschaft / Soziologie / Anthropologie / Front National / AfD / Dansk Folkeparti / Dänische Folkspartei / Lega Norte / Plataforma per Catalunya / Partij voor de Vrijheid / Vlaams Belang / Sverigedemokraterna / Schwedendemokraten / Kommunikationssoziologie / Sprachsoziologie / Soziolinguistik / politische Willensbildung / politische Soziologie / politische Kultur / Political Process / Elections / Political Sociology / Political Culture / Sociology of Communication / Sociology of Language / Sociolinguistics / Christentum / Bundesrepublik Deutschland / Diskursanalyse / politische Rechte / Österreich / Populismus / FPÖ / Partei / NPD / Islam / Judentum / Dänemark / Schweden / rechtsextreme Partei / Spanien / Frankreich / politisches Programm / Belgien / Religion / Niederlande / Netherlands / party
Sprache: unknown
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