Vergelijkend nationaliteitsrecht - Belgie vs Nederland ; Droit comparé de la nationalité - l'expérience belgo-néerlandaise

This presentation was used as support in teaching a course on comparative Belgian-Dutch Nationality Law. The focus of the course was on the methods and requirements for the acquisition of the nationality. The course was financed by a Chair granted by the Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht. It was taught at the University of Maastricht in April-May 2007.

Verfasser: Wautelet, Patrick
Dokumenttyp: learning object
Erscheinungsdatum: 2007
Verlag/Hrsg.: UM - Universiteit Maastricht
Schlagwörter: nationaliteit / nationalité / nationality / acquisition / verwerving / naturalisatie / naturalisation / Law / criminology & political science / Public law / European & international law / Droit / criminologie & sciences politiques / Droit public / Droit européen & international
Sprache: Niederländisch
Datenquelle: BASE; Originalkatalog
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