Fluvial architecture of Belgian river systems in contrasting environments:implications for reconstructing the sedimentation history

peer reviewed ; Accurate dating is necessary to get insight in the temporal variations in sediment deposition in floodplains. The interpretation of such dates is however dependent on the fluvial architecture of the floodplain. In this study we discuss the fluvial architecture of three contrasting Belgian catchments (Dijle, Geul and Amblève catchment) and how this influences the dating possibilities of net floodplain sediment storage. Although vertical aggradation occurred in all three floodplains during the last part of the Holocene, they differ in the importance of lateral accretion and verti... Mehr ...

Verfasser: Notebaert, Bastiaan
Houbrechts, Geoffrey
Verstraeten, G.
Broothaerts, N.
Haeckx, J.
Reynders, M.
Govers, G.
Petit, François
Poesen, J.
Dokumenttyp: journal article
Erscheinungsdatum: 2011
Verlag/Hrsg.: Netherlands Journal of Geosciences Foundation
Schlagwörter: Belgium / climate change / dating / fluvial architecture / Holocene / land use change / Physical / chemical / mathematical & earth Sciences / Earth sciences & physical geography / Physique / chimie / mathématiques & sciences de la terre / Sciences de la terre & géographie physique
Sprache: Englisch
Permalink: https://search.fid-benelux.de/Record/base-26503403
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