Challenges on the promising road to Automatic Speech Recognition of privacy-sensitive Dutch doctor-patient consultation recordings - Slides
Challenges on the promising road to Automatic Speech Recognition of privacy-sensitive Dutch doctor-patient consultation recordings - Slides ...
Dutch Religious Love Emblems: Reflections of Faith and Toleration in the Later 17th Century
Nevves from sea, of tvvo notorious pyrats Ward the Englishman, and Danseker the Dutchman VVith a true relation of all or the most piraces [sic] by them committed vnto the sixt of A...
Lud. Smids, M.D. Schatkamer der Nederlandsse oudheden, of, Woordenboek, behelsende Nederlands steden en dorpen, kasteelen, sloten en heeren huysen, oude volkeren, rievieren, vermaa...
Britain, or A chorographicall description of the most flourishing kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the ilands adjoyning, out of the depth of antiquitie beautified vvi...
Raad van arbeid een steun in ziekte en in ouderdom / [kunst von] Jac De Wit.
Martini Hamconii Frisia Seu De Viris Rebusque Frisiæ Illustribus Libri Duo : Adiecti Sunt Pontifices Frisiorim Ethnici, seu Præfecti Druydum: Episcopi Ultraiectini: Comites Holland...
Transcript ; An Interview with Medford Holland by Renee Kary