A breife and true report of the proceedings of the Earle of Leycester for the reliefe of the towne of Sluce from his arriuall at Vlisshing, about the end of Iune 1587. vntill the s...
A plaine or moste true report of a daungerous seruice stoutely attempted, and manfully brought to passe by English men, Scottes men, Wallons & other worthy soldiours, for the t...
24. of August. 1578. A discourse of the present state of the wars in the lowe countryes Wherein is contayned the pittifull spoyle of Askot: and the articles of peace to bee conclud...
Vie de Sainte Colette: Sermon at Colette's request for the people (folio 16v)
Additional file 1: of Herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 in the Netherlands: seroprevalence, risk factors and changes during a 12-year period ...
A proclamation made by the high and mighty Fredericke by the grace of God King of Bohemia, &c. Commanding all those his subiects which are now in the seruice of his majesties e...
A memorable epitaph, made vpon the lamentable complaint of the people of England, for the death of the right honorable Sir Frauncis Walsingham Knight principall secretarie of estat...
A proclamation, published by the high and mightie Prince Elector Iohn Sigismond Marquesse of Brandenburgh, the foure and twentieth day of February anno 1614 Prohibiting all maner o...
An exact discourse of the subtilties, fashishions [sic], pollicies, religion, and ceremonies of the East Indians as well Chyneses as Iauans, there abyding and dweling. Together wit...
The articles which were propounded to the Iesuites to subscribe them in the Parliament, on Sunday the 14. of March, &c. 1626 By reason of a hurtfull and detestable booke, which...