Reshaping parental ethnotheories of Dutch-Moroccan immigrant parents in the Netherlands: Networking in multiple worlds
Examination of aerial diatom flushing across watersheds in Luxembourg, Oregon and Slovakia for tracing episodic hydrological connectivity
Bodemevolutie in de kustduinen onder begrazing en andere natuurbeheersvormen
Eindrapport Doorlichting van de prestaties van het Coördinatiepunt voor Geïntegreerd Beheer van KustGebieden
Uncertainty on coastal flood risk calculations, and how to deal with it in coastal management: case of the Belgian coastal zone
The wave climate in the Belgian coastal zone
An alternative classification and profile type map applied to the Holocene deposits of the Belgian coastal plain
Investments as a lever for sustainable equilibrium between ecology and recreation at the Belgian coast
Kust en zee: te weinig vis, te veel vervuiling
Indicators and information systems in support of integrated coastal zone management in Belgium, the southern North Sea and Europe