Stedelijk beleid en sociale cohesie in twee Nederlandse herstructureringswijken : Nieuw-Hoograven (Utrecht) en Bouwlust (Den Haag)
Stedelijk beleid, bewonersparticipatie en sociale cohesie in vroeg-naoorlogse stadswijken in Nederland
Holocaust and World War Two Linked Open Data Developments in the Netherlands
Cleansing among Czech Journalists after World War II and a Comparison with the Situation in France and the Netherlands
War, Inflation, Monetary Reform and the Art Market
The uprising of Šaban Poluža in Drenica in 1945
WARLUX nodegoat database, on recruits of Schifflange/Luxembourg, Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History/University of Luxembourg ...
WARLUX nodegoat database, on recruits of Schifflange/Luxembourg, Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History/University of Luxembourg
Digging Deeper is Always Rewarding. Policy instruments, challenges and recent research on conflict archaeology, WWI and WWII in Flanders
How government bond prices reflect wartime events: The case of the Stockholm market