What happened to our forests in the last decades? : results of more than ten years of forest ecosystem monitoring in the Netherlands
Derivation of cation exchange constants for sand, loess, clay and peat soils on the basis of field measurements in the Netherlands
Effectgerichte maatregelen tegen verdroging, verzuring en stikstofdepositie in beekdalen (Gelderse Achterhoek)
Effectgerichte maatregelen tegen verdroging, verzuring en stikstofdepositie op trilvenen (Noord-Hollland, Utrecht en Noordwest- Overijsssel)
Chemical composition of the humus layer, mineral soil and soil solution of 200 forest stands in the Netherlands in 1995
Invloed van luchtverontreiniging op de Nederlandse flora en op verzuring van de bodem
Impact of declining atmospheric deposition on forest soil solution chemistry in Flanders, Belgium
Resultaten van ecologisch langetermijnonderzoek toegelicht in eerste LTER-Belgium rapport (NB 9/16)