Carrossa fúnebre del seguici de l'enterrament de Félix Sardà i Salvany en un carrer de Sabadell ple de gent ; Sabadell
Fine-scale analysis of ungulate-vehicle collisions in Southern Belgium ; Analyse der Huftier-Verkehrsunfälle in Süd-Belgien
FHWA International Scanning Report on Advanced Transportation Technology
Estimating Costs and Benefits of C-ITS Deployment in Austria, England and the Netherlands using the COBRA+ Tool ...
Depicting the effect of tillage treatments and vehicle traffic on the agricultural soil physical quality with a high level of spatial details
Calibrating Activity-based Models With External OD Information: An Overview Of Different Possibilities
Supplementary data for the paper 'Exploring the challenges faced by Dutch truck drivers in the era of technological advancement' ...
Gent aplegada a la Salut amb un camp en primer terme ; Sabadell
Estimating Costs and Benefits of C-ITS Deployment in Austria, England and the Netherlands using the COBRA+ Tool
Integrating spatial and temporal approaches for explaining bicycle crashes in high-risk areas in Antwerp (Belgium)