Genetic progress in Dutch crop yields
Temporal and inter-farm variability of economic and environmental farm performance : A resilience perspective on potato producing regions in the Netherlands
Exploring adaptation strategies for climate change in the Netherlands: a bio-economic farm level analysis
Winter wheat development and growth in The Netherlands: Using a detailed field trial to update crop parameters in WOFOST
Climate change impact and adaptation research requires integrated assessment and farming systems analysis: a case study in the Netherlands
What drives farmers to increase soil organic matter? Insights from the Netherlands
Using farmer field data and crop modelling to benchmark actual yield and resource use efficiency : A case study for arable cropping systems in the Netherlands
Climate change adaptation in agriculture; the use of multi-scale modelling and stakeholder participation in the Netherlands
Catching-up with genetic progress : Simulation of potential production for modern wheat cultivars in the Netherlands
Catching-up with genetic progress: Simulation of potential production for modern wheat cultivars in the Netherlands