From Ideal Proposals to Serial Developments: Victor Bourgeois’s Schemes in the Light of Post-War Developments in Brussels
Integrating spatial and temporal approaches for explaining bicycle crashes in high-risk areas in Antwerp (Belgium)
Pla d’adaptació i mitigació climàtica per al barri de Can Feu | Gràcia, Sabadell
Potential use of electric vehicle in Wallonia
Concilier la limitation de l'étalement et l’accessibilité financière au logement
¿Quién paga los objetivos públicos en el urbanismo en Inglaterra, los Países Bajos y la Comunidad Autónoma Valenciana? ; Who pays the public goals in the urban land assembly? A com...
How the Architecture of Housing Blocks Amplifies or Dampens Interethnic Tensions in Ethnically Diverse Neighbourhoods
Cartographie, évolution et modélisation de l'utilisation du sol en milieu urbain: le cas de Bruxelles
Typologie des communes selon leur degré dʼurbanisation
Building heat consumption and heat demand assessment, characterization, and mapping on a regional scale: A case study of the Walloon building stock in Belgium