The Termination of the United States-Netherlands Antilles Tax Treaty: What Were the Costs of Ending Treaty Shopping
La participation politique transnationale des Belges expatriés : un cas d’exportation des divisions ethniques ?
Transnational and Local Co-ethnic Social Ties as Coping Mechanisms Against Perceived Discrimination - A Study on the Life Satisfaction of Turkish and Moroccan Minorities in the Net...
Understanding the Political and Religious Implications of Turkish Civil Religion in The Netherlands: A Critical Discourse Analysis of ISN Friday Sermons
Postavení transnacionálních korporací v procesu globalizace ; Position of Transnational Corporations in the Globalization Process
Learning by bumping: Pathways of Dutch SMEs to foreign direct investment in Asia
The Pelabon Munitions works and the Belgian village on the Thames: Community and forgetfulness in outer-metropolitan suburbs
Congress Mania in Brussels, 1846-1856: Soft Power, Transnational Experts, and Diplomatic Practices
Raising citizens in ‘mixed’ family setting: mothering techniques of Filipino and Thai migrants in Belgium
Interkulturelle Arbeitswelten in Luxemburg. Mehrsprachigkeit und kulturelle Vielfalt am Arbeitsplatz von Grenzgängern ; Intercultural work environments in Luxembourg. Multilinguali...