Two times Calabar – 1632/1973 ; DUAS VEZES CALABAR – 1632/1973
'Before she ends up in a brothel': Public Femininity and the First Actresses in England and the Low Countries ...
Lope de Vega and the conquest of Spanish theater in the Netherlands
Eighteenth-Century Music and theatre advertisements from the 's-Gravenhaagsche Courant and Gazette de La Haye (in the Netherlands)
As cantatas de Eduardo: o feitiço do palco
Samuel Beckett's "Waiting For Godot," directed by Joseph Chaikin, program for the 7 Stages' production at the Korzo theater, The Hague, Netherlands, April 16 - 18, 1992. (3 pages)
The DePauw, April 20, 1925
Escaping the Representation: Lieutenantenduetten, a critical performance by the Warme Winkel
Dutch Market
Act One