Idea of the search for a domain/motif within the range from 1 to W positions (in the window) instead of an only predetermined position.
Effectiveness of evolutionary GA search (mutations only) with ( μ , λ ) selection, μ / λ = 0.4, 4 domains, 6+4 defined positions out of 26, W = 220 at varying mutation rate and pop...
RMHC: Effectiveness vs mutation rate.
In silico tests with parallel RMHC: Effectiveness vs number of parallel processes.
Block diagram of the experimental setup.
Schemes of the RR (left) and RS (right) functions.
Effectiveness of SELEX tests in silico .
Effectiveness (number of evaluations) and success rate for the competitive BioRS by means of standard GA with a single-point crossover.
Effect of the recombination of segments.
Scheme of a local mutagenesis acting only on the last segment where the search for a new functional domain is performed at the current epoch.