GNSS Meteorology in Luxembourg
Waterbeheer in Oost- en West Vlaanderen: bevaarbare waterlopen
"Present Status of Cloud Velocity Computations from the ATS I and ATS III Satellites," by Fujita, T. in Cospar Space Research IX, North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, p. 557-57...
"Relationship between Observed Winds and Cloud Velocities Determined from Pictures Obtained by ESSA III, ESSA V, and ATS I satellites," by Izawa, T. and Fujita, T. in Cospar Space...
[Photolithographs in L'art flamand]
La gestió de les inundacions als Països Baixos
The chronology of prehistoric high-energy wave events (tropical cyclones, tsunamis) in the southern Caribbean and their impact on coastal geo-ecosystems
Analysis of individual wave overtopping volumes during time-varying water levels. Practical application to the Research Dike Raversijde at the Belgian coast. ; Análisis del volumen...
Historical climatology, 1950-2006
Un outil d'aide à la décision pour la gestion des chablis en Région wallonne