Differential item functioning graphs.
Data material.
Item threshold map of the BAT12 items and thresholds ordering on a logit scale (higher value indicates higher burnout) of the Burnout Assessment Tool.
The item characteristic curve of item MD1 (I struggle to find any enthusiasm for my work)) for men and women.
Fig 3 -
Overall model fit statistics for random sample 1 and 2, n = 800 each.
Residual correlations for different combinations of BAT8 analyses.
BAT4 –overall model fit statistics in different countries.
BAT4 ‐ differential item function regarding gender and age in different countries.
Speeches : a paper, subject, the economic policy of PAC, delivered at the bilateral chamber/PAC workshop held in Harare, Zimbabwe, 10 -13th Aug 1990 ; Economic policy of the Pan Af...