Athletic Awards banquet 1960
Athletic awards presentation 1960
Afdichtende functie van met waterglas geimmobiliseerde afvalstoffen
Continued presence of phocine distemper virus in the Dutch Wadden Sea seal population.
Toepassingsmogelijkheden van TRISOPLAST voor de afdichting van afval- en reststofbergingen
Athletic awards banquet administrators 1960
Reappraisal of the extinct seal 'Phoca' vitulinoides from the Neogene of the North Sea Basin, with bearing on its geological age, phylogenetic affinities, and locomotion
Three Unpublished Byzantine Lead Seals from Western Asia Minor (With an Appendix on an Amulet from Izmir)
Computer Science Optimization Of Reverse auction : Reverse Auction ; E-Auction : Electronic Auction
Tissue distribution of perfluorinated chemicals in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) from the Dutch Wadden Sea