In de Hollandsche Branding : $b Een Jongensboek van de Zee
Map III.1.2.3d. Most important (known) bird routes in the Belgian coastal area
Artificial hard substrata from the Belgian part of the North Sea and their influence on the distributional range of species
Long-term phytoplankton monitoring data (1970-2010) from the Belgian North Sea reveal shifts in seasonal dynamics and community composition
Two marine parasitic crustaceans new to the Belgian fauna
Data-base of CH4 and ancillary data in the Belgian Coastal Zone (2017, 2018, 2019)
The case of the Dutch ships considered.
Method and reproducibility document for the "KNMI Klimaatsignaal 21" sea level scenarios ...
Data-base of CH4 and ancillary data in the Belgian Coastal Zone (2017, 2018, 2019) ...
Mer du Nord - Littoral/Estuaire de l' Escaut - Escaut maritime