La fréquentation des massifs forestiers à des fins récréatives et de détente pour la population wallonne et bruxelloise
The Resilience of Democracy in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Democratic Compensators in Belgium, the Netherlands and France
Parlez-vous luxembourgeois ? Nationaliser le patois. Revendications et pratiques langagières dans le contexte multilingue du Luxembourg
Dayak “Jungle and River Experts” and Dutch West New Guinea Exploration, 1900-1940
"Diffusionism and Neolithic Script : at the origins of the franco-belgian mission on Easter Isalnd (1934-1935)"
The role of Support Networks in the Initial Stages of Integration: The case of West African Newcomers in the Netherlands
Participation in S-LCA: A Methodological Proposal Applied to Belgian Alternative Food Chains (Part 1)
Expectations and disappointments relative to COVID-19 passes: Results from a voluntary mixed-method study in French-speaking Belgium
Un candomblé en Belgique. Traces ethnographiques d'une tentative d'installation et ses difficultés.
The 2004 european elections in Belgium: an election that went by unnoticed