HERO Findings for Children and Adolescents in German ; Möchtest du wissen, was wir herausgefunden haben?
HERO Findings for Children and Adolescents in French ; Veux tu savoir ce que nous avons decouvert?
Multilingual university, yet linguistic uniformity? The case of the University of Luxembourg
Redéploiement industriel en milieu rural. L’exemple de la Province de Luxembourg (Belgique)
Risques d’inégalités d’apprentissage liés à certaines caractéristiques des manuels contemporains de langues étrangères : enquête auprès des enseignants et analyse de deux unités de...
What should be done on policy level to give Open Access in Belgium a boost? The CRef answer
The desire of parenthood: intuitive co-parental behaviors and quality of couple relationship among Italian and Belgian same-sex and opposite-sex couples.
Counterplay: Circumventing the Belgian Ban on Loot Boxes by Adolescents
Afro-Belgian activist resistances to research procedures: Reflections on epistemic extractivism and decolonial interventions in sociological research
Essays on the economics of banking and corporate governance