Impact of Extreme Drought Climate on Water Security in North Borneo: Case Study of Sabah
Phosphorus in agriculture: global resoources, trends and developments : report to the Steering Committee Technology Assessment of the Ministery of Agriculture, Nature and Food Qual...
Oil discoveries and protectionism: role of news effects
Evaluación del componente hídrico en una empresa floricultora de la sabana norte de Bogotá, para verificar el cumplimiento del sistema de gestión ambiental: Estudio de caso: Agrico...
Development of the Chrono-Systemic Timeline as a Tool for Cross-Sectional Analysis of Droughts—Application in Wallonia
Plan de Gestión Ambiental del acuífero de la formación Guadalupe y de los cerros orientales como zona de recarga a partir de la evaluación del índice de escasez de aguas subterráne...
Managing the Transition towards Circular Metabolism: Living Labs as a Co-Creation Approach
Chrono-Systemic Timeline : Innovative Tool for Cross-Sectional Analysis – Case Study in Wallonia, Belgium