Gestión del agua subterránea en la sabana de bogotá
Disminución de precios de commodities en un ambiente de "enfermedad holandesa" y "bendición/maldición de los recursos naturales"
The Natural Resource Boom and the Uneven Fall of the Labor Share
Bemesting, waterhuishouding en intensivering in de landbouw en het natuurlijk milieu
Water Management on the Island of IJsselmonde 1000 to 1953: Polycentric Governance, Adaptation, and Petrification
State Aid, the Criterion of State Resources and Renewable Energy Support Mechanisms: Fresh Wind from Luxembourg in EEG 2012
Taxonomically annotated underwater hyperspectral and color images of coral reef transects from Curaçao ...
Pekojan: Image of an Arab Kampong during XVIII to XIX Centuries Batavia
Komparativna analiza stila vodstva i lojalnosti zaposlenika u Nizozemskoj i republici Hrvatskoj ; A comparative analysis of the relationship between leadership styles and employee...
Social media as an exit strategy? The role of attitudes of discontent in explaining non-electoral political participation among Belgian young adults