Bayesian inference phylogenetic tree of members of Ramicrusta using the psb A marker with bootstrap proportions and Bayesian support values.
Bayesian inference phylogenetic tree of members of Ramicrusta using the rbc L marker with bootstrap proportions and Bayesian support values.
Species and sources of sequences used in the phylogenetic analyses.
Maps indicating the study area and sample collection locations.
Bayesian inference phylogenetic tree of 51 COI-5P sequences, representing 18 Ramicrusta species and two Incendia species as outgroups.
Bayesian inference phylogenetic tree of a partitioned alignment of COI-5P, psb A, and rbc L sequences, representing 19 Ramicrusta species and two Incendia species as outgroups.
Ramicrusta fujiiana (GH0015078).
Fig 5 -
Ramicrusta adjoulanensis (GH0015334).
Fig 7 -