Entrepreneurship and Role Models
L'érosion de la biodiversité : Les poissons. Partie C - Chapitres 6-9 (pages 184-306 + annexes)
Unverheiratete Paare und ihre Basismodelle
Farm to Future : Stakeholder Roles and Institutional Barriers in the Integration of Urban Agriculture into Smart Cities in the Netherlands
Literary Quotations in Bilingual Dictionaries: A Case Study of a Nineteenth-century Dutch–Chinese Dictionary
An online Delphi study to investigate the completeness of the CanMEDS Roles and the relevance, formulation, and measurability of their key competencies within eight healthcare disc...
Impact de la pratique infirmière avancée aux Urgences dans le contexte Belge ; Impact of advanced nursing practice in the Emergency Department in the Belgian context
Productivity growth, R&D and the rôle of international collaborative agreements: some évidence for Belgian manufacturing companies