Migration patterns in Luxembourg
Comparison of the effect of learning to read in English or in Dutch on the acquisition of the French orthographic code in French-speaking children attending immersion school progra...
Was kann die Sportpsychologie dem Luxemburger Sport bieten?
Gewalt - ein Problem an Luxemburger Schulen?
Schulbezogene Gewaltforschung in Luxemburg
#LËTZSTEREOTYPE18 - Geschlechterbezogene Rollen und Geschlechterstereotype bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen in Luxemburg
Deviant behaviour and violence in Luxembourg schools
The relation between conspiracism, government trust, and COVID-19 vaccination intentions: The key role of motivation
How sexual objectification generates dehumanization in Western and Eastern Cultures: a comparison between Belgium and Thailand
Les remédiations psychologiques dans le champ scolaire: entre un modèle biologique et un modèle informatique (le cas de la Belgique francophone)