The sabatier principle in electrocatalysis: basics, limitations, and extensions ...
Impact of Geometric and Electronic Factors on Selective Hydro-Deoxygenation of Guaiacol by Surface-Rich Metal/Silica Catalysts
Ordening in een verwarrende staat: Onderzoek naar de Algemene Rekenkamer in de democratische rechtsstaat vanuit het perspectief van staats- en bestuursrechtelijke beginselen, in he...
Solidarity in transboundary flood risk management: A view from the Dutch North Rhine–Westphalian catchment area
Integrated care in community health centers in Belgium. An exploratory study on the provision of care by general practitioners, nurses and social workers
The Registration of Special Notarial Bonds under the Security by Means of Movable Property Act and the Publicity Principle: Lessons from Developments in Belgium
Exploring Design Opportunities of Bifunctional Catalysts Using Density Functional Theory and Microkinetic Modeling
Negros vs Dutchmen
Le Conseil d'Etat et le principe de précaution. Chronique d'une naissance annoncée. ; Precautionary Principle and the Belgian Council of State
Análisis de los principios de la cosmovisión mhuysqa en el contexto histórico actual para las comunidades en la sabana de Bogotá como elementos constitutivos de la comunidad y desd...