Grammar of Difference. General Education in the Netherlands and Java, 1800-1940
Read_me accompanying the replication data for "The transition from primary to secondary education: A study of the voices of children and teachers in the Netherlands"
Replication Data for: "The transition from primary to secondary education: a study of the voices of children and teachers in the Netherlands"
Replication Data for: Survey "The transition from primary to secondary education: a study of the voices of children and teachers in the Netherlands"
Dementia incidence trend over 1992-2014 in the Netherlands: analysis of primary care data ...
Dementia incidence trend over 1992-2014 in the Netherlands: analysis of primary care data
Towards integrated primary health care for depressive disorder in the Netherlands. The depression initiative
Les soins primaires face à la COVID-19 : une comparaison Belgique, France, Québec et Suisse
Les maisons médicales en Belgique : la santé dans tous ses états
La résilience de la première ligne wallonne une étude qualitative menée au cours de la première vague de la Covid-19 (avril à septembre 2020)