Pleitbezorgers, procesmanagers en participanten : Interactief beleid en de rolverdeling tussen overheid en burgers in de Nederlandse democratie
Young, online and connected : the impact of everyday Internet use of Dutch adolescents on social cohesion
The citizenship of the European Union: news from Lisbon and Luxembourg ; La ciudadanía de la Unión Europea: novedades desde Lisboa y Luxemburgo
Politisches Interesse, politisches Wissen und politische Partizipation der Jugendlichen in Luxemburg. Ergebnisse des Jugendberichts 2015 und Herausforderungen für die politische Bi...
Participating as Equals? : Disentangling the complex relationships between resources, incentives and political participation using Dutch panel data
Active Civic Participation of Immigrants in Belgium
La désaffiliation partisane: pourquoi les adhérents quittent leur parti? étude de cas: le Parti socialiste francophone en Belgique
Digital Issue Movements: Political Repertoires and Drivers of Participation among Belgian Youth in the Context of ‘School Strike for Climate’
The Impact of far-right political parties’ politicization of muslim immigrants on political participation of immigrants from Turkey in the Netherlands ; Aşırı-sağ siyasi partilerin...
Diversity, National Identity, and Political Participation among Young People in Luxembourg