Alignment of the spacers between trnS and trnG and rpL20-5’rpS12 in 87 samples from Sabatia kennedyana, representing the northern (NS, Canada), central (MA, USA) and southern (NC,...
Data from: Rethinking refugia: tree topology, divergence dates, and demographic history trace the distribution of the endangered Plymouth gentian (Sabatia kennedyana) from the Plei...
Zusammenhänge zwischen Pflanzenartenzusammen-setzung, Phytodiversität und Bodenvariablen in Nieder-mooren und verwandten Habitattypen Luxemburgs ... : Relationships of plant specie...
The ABCDE of Dutch trauma system performance
Création ex nihilo d’un village en Gaule Belgique au ier siècle. Le site de Longueil-Sainte-Marie
The Australian Musical News. volume 7 issue 9, 1918
Marking Electrocatalysts on the “Volcanic Belt” of Hydrogen Electrode Reactions
L'inventaire forestier national permanent du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, aperçu de la méthodologie ; The National Forest Inventory in Luxembourg, methodological insight
On Military Memoirs. Soldier-authors, publishers, plots and motives.