Le Traçage : un outil pour l'établissement des zones de surveillance des captages en terrain karstique. Le cas de Hastière (Province de Namur, Belgique)
Face à la crise historique engendrée par la pandémie de coronavirus, organisons notre sécurité alimentaire
Tongres-Heerderen. Carte géologique de Wallonie. 34/5-6 ; Tongres-Herrederen. Geological map of Wallonia. 34/5-6
Suitability and sustainability of spawning gravel placement in degraded river reaches, Belgium
Dynamics of greenhouse gases in the river–groundwater interface in a gaining river stretch (Triffoy catchment, Belgium)
Building heat consumption and heat demand assessment, characterization, and mapping on a regional scale: A case study of the Walloon building stock in Belgium
Assessing the 3D distribution of soil organic carbon by integrating predictions of water and tillage erosion into a digital soil mapping-approach: a case study for silt loam cropla...
Geostatistical interpolation of daily rainfall at catchment scale: the use of several variogram models in the Ourthe and Ambleve catchments, Belgium
Analyse de la structure du socle paléozoïque hainuyer - Implications sur les caractéristiques des réservoirs profonds
Flash floods and muddy floods in Wallonia: recent temporal trends, spatial distribution and reconstruction of the hydrosedimentological fluxes using flood marks and sediment deposi...