Pairwise distance (Eucilidan) matrix between Dutch commons based on ordinal data on number of yearly regulatory activities (rule changes).
Legislation regarding division of Dutch commons.
Overview of political, socio-economical and environmental threats to Dutch commons between the 8th and the middle of the 19th century.
Visual representation of the separation of Dutch commons according to the number of regulatory activities pertaining to different types of shared resources.
Temporal distributions of regulatory activities (rule changes) for nine Dutch commons.
Relationship across Dutch commons between the annual frequencies of enforcement mechanisms in the form of sanctioning related regulations and the relative amount of sanctioning reg...
Characterization of Dutch commons according to the percentage of total number of regulatory activities (rules) that pertain to eight types of resources.
S1 Appendix -
Affected organ system classes.
Impact scores per questionnaire for probable and definite infections in various organ systems.