Willem ten Rhijne, Dissertatio de arthritide.
Chart of Japanese figure with meridians
Evidências de Validade da Versão Brasileira da Escala de Workaholism (DUWAS-16) e sua versão breve (DUWAS-10) ; Validity evidence of the Dutch work addiction scale - Brazilian vers...
Exploring teachers’ career self-management. Considering the roles of organizational career management, occupational self-efficacy, and learning goal orientation.
Per un'archeologia del sapere in Islam: il metodo di lavoro di uno storico del XV secolo ; Arabic manuscripts in Belgian public libraries: an introduction
The Role of Interpreters in Alexandria in the Light of an Oath (Qasāma) Taken in the Year 822 A.H./1419 A.D. ; Arabic manuscripts in Belgian public libraries: an introduction
Anciens costumes coloriés : Italie, Espagne, Ecosse, Allemagne et Hollande, Pays orientaux et les Indes
Not ‘stuck in the past’: nostalgia, future orientations, and temporality of the Dutch nativist radical right
Sexual orientation, disclosure and earnings
Les manuscrits arabes dans les bibliothèques publiques belges: une introduction ; Arabic manuscripts in Belgian public libraries: an introduction