Prenatal diagnosis of abnormally invasive placenta reduces maternal peripartum hemorrhage and morbidity.
Institutionnalisation d'un entretien prénatal : recherche action et intelligence collective
Utiliser une recherche-action comme étape d'une innovation
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Regression Curves after Partial or Complete Molar Pregnancy in Flanders: Are They Different from Regression Curves from the Eighties?
Enhancing the value of the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio for the prediction of preeclampsia: Cost analysis from the Belgian healthcare payers' perspective.
Robot-assisted surgery for women with endometrial cancer: Surgical and oncologic outcomes within a Belgium gynaecological oncology group cohort.
Robot-Assisted Radical Hysterectomy in Cervical Carcinoma: The Belgian Experience.
De l'utilité d'une consultation conjointe de gynécologie- endocrinologie pédiatrique : étude rétrospective des motifs de consultation et approche pratique ; The usefulness of combi...