Libraries in the Netherlands : a snapshot of priorities & perspectives. ; Report to the OCLC Membership
15. Folge (01.04.2022): Ein ganz besonderes Semester an der KU Leuven, Belgien
Dense and taxonomically detailed habitat maps of coral reef benthos machine-generated from underwater hyperspectral transects in Curaçao ...
Valence a slovosled. Psychologická slovesa v současné nizozemštině ; Valency and Word Order: Psych-verbs in Contemporary Dutch
Elisabeth - I want to eat
The fictional autobiography: the art of non - fiction in Moll Flanders ; Kurgusal otobiyografi: Moll Flanders'ta kurgu - dışılığın sanatı
Exploring the financial rationales of Dutch forest holdings and their relation with financial results
L'art ancien à l'Exposition nationale belge /
˜L'œ Art ancien à l'Exposition Nationale Belge
Intermodal network design: a three-mode bi-objective model applied to the case of Belgium