Measured BMI of participants according to figure selected to represent current body size.
Ethnic differences in body satisfaction (satisfied versus prefer smaller) by weight status (n = 9819).
Mean BMI with corresponding 95% confidence interval associated with each of the body figures representing participants current body figure stratified by ethnicity for men and women...
Characteristics of the study population (N = 10,854) by sex and ethnic origin.
Body satisfaction, by weight status, sex and ethnicity.
Ethnic differences in body satisfaction by weight status.
The mediating role of acculturation in the association between ethnicity and body size ideals for men and women separately a .
The mediating role of acculturation in the association between ethnicity and body satisfaction (satisfied/prefer larger vs. prefer smaller) in men and women with overweight or obes...
Conservation status of the Natura 2000 habitat 6210 (Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco Brometalia) (*important orchid sites)) for t...
Conservation status of the Natura 2000 caves for the Belgian Atlantic region